Friday, June 15, 2012

What is Web 2.0?

Internet is growing by the day and is gaining more importance, earlier the internet was used just as a static medium to publish information, today the web has evolved to an extent that it allows us to interact with others online, perform e-commerce transactions online, and many more additions, all these changes have led to the evolution of Web 2.0  

Web 2.0, refers to the new generation web developments which have made the web more interactive and enabled sharing of information. In Web 2.0, user are allowed to interact, customize the webpage based on their preferences like color, layout etc.

Earlier in the days of Web 1.0, the web pages used to be static and allow only one way communication, the publisher published the pages, and the end users just view the content, they are not allowed to edit the content or change the layout of the web pages which they were viewing.

Web 2.0 gives more importance to the end users, it allows a many way communication where the users can interact with the publishers and other users, Face book is an example of a web 2.0 portal, it allows us to communicate with all our connections.

Web 2.0 impacts both the End users and the Web developers.

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