Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Routing in AngularJS

Routing in AngularJS enables embedding different html views to the main page based on the URL requested by the user. Routing in AngularJS behaves similar to Routing in Asp.Net MVC, AngularJS allows us to define the various routes possible and the templates to be loaded for each of the routes. At runtime based on the URL request from the end user the appropriate template is embedded in the main page.

Embedding templates in the main page is enabled used in the ng-view directive, the templates are embedded in the main page in the location where the ng-view directive tag is placed.


In the controller, the $routeProvider object is used define the various routes and the templates to be associated with each of the routes. The object also allows us to define the controller to be associated with each of the view templates. This way each of the embedded templates will be fully functional with each one having its own controller. This comes in handy when we want to develop complex Single Page Applications.

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